All drivers should follow the rules on weight limit for their own safety and the things they load on the vehicles. But, rules hasn’t stopped these drivers on the list below. They recklessly overloaded their vehicles with loads.
You will be amazed to see how these drivers manage to load such a huge loads on smaller vehicles like scooters, motorcycles and the bikes.
Although it looks like many of them probably don’t have a choice, but overloading vehicles is not really a good idea. It may save your time but it is not safe to do so.
#1 Women On Extremely Overloaded Scooter
#2 Somewhere in the Sahara Desert
#3 In Cambodia – Bananas overloaded
#4 Chinese workers carrying huge amounts of stuff in Shanghai
Shanghai’s migrant workers are the foundation of China’s economy, ferrying goods around the city on their bicycle. But if these photos of them look impossible, that’s because they are. Their loads have been digitally increased as part of a photo project on the Chinese economy and global consumerism.
#5 African farmers on the top of overloaed truck
#6 Overcrowded Train in Bangladesh
#7 Motorcycle with Plastic Bottles in Vietnam
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