
Collection of Subha and Asubha Superstitions and The Logic Behind Them

Beliefs and actions that cannot be defined by science or given a logic are labeled as superstitions by the modern society. Superstitions are irrational beliefs, especially with regard to the unknown. They may seem silly, even stupid to us today, but they continue to influence our behavior and many people would argue that there are in fact some very good reasons for following them. They cause us to act in strange ways, believe in odd things and leave us unable to explain the reasons why. Although we may claim to have a sophisticated life where every fact has been backed by science, we still tend to follow these beliefs somehow.

Shubha Ashubha

Such practices have been a way of our life. Deep down in our mind, there is something which is constantly bugging us and we tend to question ourselves. What could be the logic behind all the superstitions that we blindly follow? What if those beliefs and actions do have a deeper meaning? Shouldn’t they avoided to be labeled as superstition and in fact be an ancient science?

Here is the Collection of Subha and Asubha superstitions and their Logic.

Subha Events

1. Hanging Lemon and Chilies

Lemon and Chili

Have you seen a lemon along with chilies hanging in the door of the shops? A lemon along with seven chilies is kept as it is believed that it keeps the goddess of misfortune ‘Alakshmi’ away from shops. As she likes sour and hot things, this lemon and the chilly combo is hanged so that she could eat her favorite food and satisfy her craving and leave the shop.

The scientific logic behind this is; the cotton thread through which the lemon and chilies are hanged absorbs the acids, Vitamin C and other nutrients present. Then it is released into the air by vaporization which is said to have many health benefits.

2. Bucket Full of Water or Grains

Bucket Full of Wall

If you see a bucket full of water or grains while going out then it is considered as Subha. Whereas, seeing an empty bucket is considered a bad omen in India.The logic behind this is; filled bucket somehow symbolizes fullness and abundance in life. In terms of spirituality and human psychology, it is always regarded best to stay optimistic in life. Focusing on fullness rather than emptiness is always better. As a result, this belief could be one with a deeper meaning.

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3. Having Sweet Curd Before Leaving

Having Curd Before Leaving

It is believed that eating sweet curd before going out for a long journey or before exams brings good luck. The possible logic behind this is curd contains calcium and protein which makes it easy for our digestive system whereas, sugar provides instant glucose. So it is actually taken to maintain the energy levels.

4. To Sleep With Our Heads Facing East


Elders often suggests us to sleep with our heads turned towards East or South and avoid our head faced towards North. This may sound totally absurd but it is due to the lack of the proper knowledge that our elders couldn’t back up with the instructions.

Anyone who knows the basic science of magnetism knows that the magnetic waves travel from north to south. Thus, sleeping with our heads towards North direction will directly put a strain on our brain due to the Earth’s magnetic waves. The east-west position is considered best for healthy and sound sleep. The waves in this direction are positive and can provide positive energy to the body.

5. Taking Bath After Attending Funeral

Taking Bath After Attending Funeral

It is believed that after attending any funeral one should take a bath immediately. It is said that you should not eat or perform any activity before taking the bath. The logic behind this is when a person dies, the body starts to decay. And when you attend a funeral you are very much likely to be exposed to the germs and bacteria released by the body which exist in the air around.

Asubha Events

1.  Avoid Cutting Nails During Night-Time

Avoid Cutting Nails During Night-Time

If you cut your nails in the night you would definitely hear your mother shouting not to cut your nails as it is believed to be aasubha. It is believed that evening is the time where Goddess Laxmi enters into our home. She stays at the night and gives blessing for the prosperity and wealth. So, cutting your nails during the night is considered as disrespect to the Goddess.

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A proper behind this is in ancient time there was no electricity and no nail cutters. People used to cut their nails with knife. So there was a high risk of getting injuries.

2.  Avoid Going Near A Peepal Tree During Night-Time


Going near the Peepal tree in the night is considered very asubha. It is said that evil spirits and ghosts flutter around the peepal tree in the night. So you might be killed by them. Scary! Isn’t it?

However, the possible logic behind this could be that during the daytime, plants absorb carbon dioxide and give out oxygen in the air through the process of photosynthesis. But in the night-time, it absorbs oxygen and gives out carbon dioxide due to lack of sunlight. So it is said one should not go near peepal tree during the night as peepal trees emit a large amount of carbon dioxide during that time.

3. Menstruating Women Considered Impure

In some part of India and Nepal, menstruating women are still considered to be impure and unclean and this gave rise to many other superstitious beliefs. During this time, women are not allowed in kitchen, temples and all religious spots and they are not allowed to perform household duties like cooking food.

The reason is that at that point of time woman are comparatively weak because of a lot of blood loss. So they are preferred to take complete rest and avoid their duties for some days. Also, during medieval days, women didn’t have the access to sanitary pads. Until disposable sanitary pads were created, cloth or reusable pads were widely used to collect menstrual blood. However, those methods weren’t clean and largely used to fail to do the right job. Thus, to avoid any mishaps or embarrassment women were freed from their duties and given time to rest. However, women started to become considered as impure and unclean due to the lack of proper knowledge and understanding.

Also Read :  Logical Reasons Why Hindus Avoid Sweeping at Night

4. The Broken Mirror


The common myth is that: “If you break a mirror, then you will have 7 years of bad luck.” This was actually a scare tactic used in those days. Owning a mirror was actually a privilege in those times because the mirror was an extremely expensive commodity that only a few people could afford. So that people could handle the commodity more carefully, this tactic was used.

5. Avoid Chewing Tulsi Leaves and Directly Swallow It


Tulsi leaves should not be chewed it needs to be swallowed. The science behind this is that the Tulsi leaf is healthy and it contains a little amount of Arsenic. Thus, chewing it directly can result in the degradation of enamel.