
List of some of the most famous Hollywood movies that were shot in India

Filmmakers in India have been traveling across the globe to find the perfect, exotic place and setting for their movies. But so are Hollywood filmmakers traveling to India for their perfect shots and clips for their movies. It’s great to see globalization in film-making around the world.Here is the list of some of the most famous Hollywood movies that were shot in India.

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#2 The Darjeeling Limited – 2007

Starring Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody and Jason Schwartzman, The Darjeeling Limited was shot in Jodhpur. You can feel how three brothers find their spiritual path in the humdrum of the Indian city in this all-so-famous Wes Anderson movie. The director claims his inspiration for the movie was Satyajit Ray, one of the greatest filmmaker of 20th century in India.


#3 Eat, Pray, Love – 2010

Based on the book by Elizabeth Gilbert, ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ is a story of Gilbert’s search for enlightenment as a woman and she does so by traveling across the world. You can see her ending up in India to find the power of prayers in an ashram. These shots were taken in Delhi and Pataudi in Hariyana.


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#8 Dark Knight Rises – 2012

#9 The Bourne Supremacy – 2004

You are going to find the first 20 minutes of the movie with Jason Bourne, played by Matt Daemon, living in India. One could not have thought that the cool, relaxing vibe of Goa can be used as a set for an action-packed movie. Well, you will see the unthinkable in this Paul Greengrass movie.


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