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30+ Best Free Fonts for Graphics and Web Designers

Fonts, definitely plays very important role, when it comes to web design and graphics. If you want to design but attractive website, typography could be a great staring place for you. In order to design an attractive typography, the first thing you need to consider is the font. When you look for fonts in the internet, you can easily find 100s of free fonts available for download but it takes your time to find proper font to fit in your project. To simplify your search for best free fonts we have a list of more than 30 free fonts for you in this article.

30+ Best Free Fonts for Graphics and Web Designers

1. Campton

Based on the neutrality concept, Campton is a geometric sans serif font. The font could be used in graphic illustrations, corporate designs or interactive designs.


2. Oswald

Among the few fonts that were first featured by Google in its web fonts, Oswald was a notable one. A recent update has provided this popular font with more weights and a better kerning.


3. Rosario

The creators of Rosario have described the font as a semi-serif typeface. The smooth endings and the light contrast of the font will add an additional attraction to your design.


4. Roboto Slab

Designer Christian Robertson has created a whole bunch of fonts under the Roboto family, and Roboto Slab is a popular member of that family. The font could be used both in the titles and in the description.

Roboto Slab

5. Farray

Designed by Adrien Coquet from France, Farray is an interesting font. If you are looking for a font to impress your audience, you can definitely consider this font.


6. Asgalt

This sci-fi inspired font family is provided with perfect geometric designs and 100 different caps. It could be used in product promotions or any other technology related designs.


7. Stalemate

The very personalized look of Stalemate has made an excellent choice for using as display a font. The font was originally designed by Jim Lyles.

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8. Crimson Text

If your project requires a balanced serif font with a solid impact, you can safely consider Crimson Text. Being heavily inspired by fonts like Garamond, this font comes with attractive uppercase forms.

Crimson Text

9. League Gothic

Though this font was originally designed in 1903, it has been renovated recently. Commissioned by WND.com, the font features some extra glyphs now.

League Gothic

10. ANEA

Taking inspiration from the Roman soldiers, designer Veronica di Biasio has created the ANEA font. It comes with alphabets, numbers and gliphs.


11. Nulshock

This wide, industrial font comes with optical compensation and precise curves. The font was especially created for logos, indicators, product or brand names, titles, labels, headlines etc.


12. Gravitas One

Based on the UK fat face font, Gravitas One is created by Riccardo De Fransceschi. This font could be used in headings, tabs or in any titles.

Gravitas One

13. Jura

Inspired by the Roman alphabets, designer Daniel Johnson has created Jura. The font is available in multiple weights including light, book, medium etc.


14. Fjord One

Being designed for printed books, Fjord is perfect for using in long paragraphs. The low contrast, sturdyconstruction and long ascenders and descenders has made this serif typeface a very attractive choice.

Fjord One

15. Recharge

This wide, square font is perfect for using in designs related to the electronics, automotive, military, sports industries. The font family includes fractions, math symbols and monetary symbols too.


16. Poly

This font was originally designed for Wayuunaiki, an indigenous language. However, with its high x-height and short ascenders, Poly could be an excellent choice for using in small sized text.


17. Gentium Basic

Including Latin, Greek and Cyrillic scripts, Gentium Basic was released as an open font. In its current form, the font is restricted to Latin character set only.

Gentium Basic

18. Signika

Following the likes of Tahoma and Meta, Signika is a clearly laid out font with special focus on signage. The sans-serif font is provided with a high x-height and low contrast.

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19. Forum

Looking for an uncommon font to use in your all-caps headlines? Forum should be one of your choices. The elegant proportion of the font makes it look better in larger sizes.


20. Exo2

Developed by Natanael Gama, Exo2 is a contemporary sans serif font. With italic version for each eight, this is one of the few complete free available at this moment.

Exo 2

21. Aleo

Aleo is a semi-rounded companion to Lato. The sleek and strong look of the font have made it a perfect choice for increasing readability.


22. Rokkitt

With a strong resemblance to the Rockwell font, Rokkitt is a geometric slab serif font. This attractive font was created by Vernon Adams.


23. Globar

Globar takes inspiration from the classic grotesque type fonts. Optimized kerning and attractive geometric finishes are its main attractions. This font could be easily used for headlines.


24. Libre Baskerville

Libre Baskerville is a renovated form of the classic Baskerville typeface. Compared to the original font, the new one has less contrast, wider counter and a taller x-height.

Libre Baskerville

25. Disclaimer

This font comes in two variations – classic and plain. Designed by Boris Bonev, the module-based font could bring a difference in your traditional designs.


26. Simplifica

Featuring a thin line width, Simplifica is a free sans serif font. The high positioned caps-height of the font provides it with legibility.


27. Hello Sans

Hello Sans is another excellent free font which could be used as the sub-heading text or captions. The unique design of the font will let you bring a difference in your design.

Hallo Sans

28. Mohave

Unlike other fonts of this list, Mohave is an all caps typeface. Featuring dynamic glyph and a smooth height, the font could be used as large titles or headings. The font comes in three different weights.


29. Kraftstoff

Inspired by the classic gas pump meters, Kraftstoff is a totally unique font. You can use the font to highlight text or to bring a change of style in your design.

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30. Garnata Display

This font was inspired by Granada’s commercial signs. Featuring five different styles, the font is registered under creative commons, which means it is available for free.

Garnata Display

31. ATViCE

With a moderate contrast level, this font could be used in both print and web designs. As the font works best in large sizes, you should keep your text size at least 25pt or so.


32. Choplin

As this font was inspired by the Campton family, you will find the same principles like the neutrality, simplicity and the perfect geometry. Therefore, you can use Campton and Choplin as companion fonts in your design.


33. SkolaSans

The SkolaSans family consists of 20 different font styles. Designed by Lasko Dzurovski, this font family comes with both English and Russian alphabets, numbers and special characters.


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