We have debunked many Hindu rituals in the past, understanding the science behind each of the ritual. Today, we would be debunking the ever so common ritual: serving milk on the wedding night. We see this everywhere. Even in movies and TV series, serving the glass of milk to two couples on wedding night serves as a symbol of something. But what does this milk exactly do?

The Protein for the first night
If you are a gym-freak or a workout master, you would know that trainers recommend protein shake before a workout. The building blocks of protein are the amino acids, which can give you a shot of strength. On the wedding nights, the couples are left with a glass of milk and a plate of almonds on their chamber, a perfect amalgamation to provide added protein. Protein is essential for making hormones too (testosterone and estrogen). Can you see where this is heading? Yes, with added strength and hormones, the couple can have better sex.
Among different kinds of milk, cow’s milk is said to be the best. It can strengthen tissue, improve memory and boost immunity. Milk is considered to be the most important part of diet according to Ayurveda. It is a good vrishya (aphrodisiac) which is essential for strengthening the shukra dhatu (reproductive tissue). It also has a cooling effect on the body. You can see where this is heading too, right?
Nourishes the tissues
Milk can nourish the tissues all the way down to the Ojas, the subtlest essence of our body/mind. It balances the Vata and Pitta and is great when taken with herbs. Ayurveda teaches that milk is the most sattvic form of food, and it can vitalize the reproductivity by nourishing the tissue. Ths means that it not only increases your sex drive but also ensures that your offspring are strong.
Base of all Ayurvedic recipes
Ayurveda also suggests many milk recipes for men to increase their ability to remain sexually active. They are supposed to be taken with many herbs like kesar, shilajit, to make it more beneficial. As a driver, milk gets the herbs to the reproductive system, and thus, the male’s system is rejuvenated and balanced. IT increases libido, low sperm count, and motility. This is why in some Hindu rituals, the couples are given milk along with kesar too.
Compensate for lost fluid
Rehydration is essential after a hectic day of the wedding. And anyone can tell that Hindu rituals are beautifully long. But it does mean that a person loses much of its fluid in the body. Science says that healthy people drink at least six to eight glasses of fluid every day. Milk, with its rehydration capabilities, can be a quick way for the couple to rehydrate.
Destressing the body
Again, the protein in milk helps in the muscle growth and improve the condition of exhaustion. It is proven that women have a potential for high stress with solid activity and risk of osteoporosis due to lack of exercise and body’s biological processes. Milk is also proven to reduce the symptoms of PMS in women, and drive energy. And after a hectic day, it also destresses the body.
So when couples are distressed, rehydrated after a hectic day, and their sex drive is high, you know why it helps the couple on their suhaagraat. Would you still consider it to be a ritual now?