
10 valuable lessons you should learn and teach your child

The real parenting problem is to teach them about growing up in this crazy world. How we teach them values such as honesty and empathy and many more subjective education are very important for them. the parent should also change the curriculum and have parenting skills as a subject!  These kids will be parents one day so why not start early? Here we have 10 most important things to teach children and parent themselves.

1. Value for oneself


This includes but is not limited to,

  • A healthy sense of self-respect and self-worth.
  • A healthy body/self-image.
  • An expectation of being treated with that fundamental level of respect every human being is entitled to (not to mention being taught what “fundamental respect” entails.)
  • An awareness of how much additional respect and value their personal achievements and accomplishments merit in the real world.
  • A drive to always improve oneself, and an awareness that investing in yourself is one of the best investments you can make.

2. Value for others


Some ideas and skills all kids need to be equipped with include,

  • The idea that every human being has worth and deserves at least some fundamental level of respect and kindness.
  • Empathy as it relates to interacting with others (both fostering it and teaching them where, when, how, and why it sometimes needs to be limited.)
  • How to make good friends and how to keep them; fostering a healthy social disposition.
  • Manners- where, when, how, and why we use them.
  • Humility, the ability to realize the smallness of our universe in the scope of things, and within other people’s personal universes.

3. Independence


Self-sufficiency is an incredibly vital lesson, the most important aspects of which include,

  • Intellectual independence- thinking for oneself, even when it doesn’t align with your parents/friends/whomever’s views.
  • Emotional independence- not needing approval or excess attention from others, not giving in to peer pressure.
  • Tangible independence- teaching your child how to physically and financially take care of themselves both presently and in the future. Independent problem solving, fixing things, finances, etc; the basic how-to’s of banal, day-to-day life.
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4. Curiosity and critical thinking


Parents should always try to foster an active and curious mind,

  • Kids must be taught how to constantly examine both themselves and the world around them, never taking any assumptions (especially their own) for granted. Critical thinking and self-examination are essential to becoming a fully-realized, self-aware adult.
  • Fostering curiosity can be hugely beneficial to a child too; their personal interests ought ot be encouraged through hobbies and parental involvement, and new ideas and experiences presented to them whenever possible.

5. Emotional development and self-expression


Somewhat related to the preceding point,

  • Maturity of thought and feeling out to be fostered. Imparting values, insights, and perspectives is a part of this- as is instilling an aspiration to always seek out a deeper understanding of things and discern underlying meaning.
  • Self-expression is a human imperative, and encouraging and enabling your child to do so in healthy, constructive ways (either via communication or an outlet such as art) is a vital lesson.

6. Self discipline


Success in one’s personal goals without a decent level of self-discipline is next to impossible.

  • Complacency should be heavily discouraged, the child pushed to consistently seek the next level of achievement or knowledge in whatever area their interests lay.
  • Self-discipline as an extension of self-respect is an important distinction to get across as well, and ensures to some extent that the self-management skills you teach your child will carry across once they’re no longer within your domain.

7. Teach your children so fear of failure never creeps in their mind


Teach your children so fear of failure never creeps in their mind. By telling them this:

  • Do not focus on excelling at everything. It keeps you in a constant state of stress. Do somethings for pure enjoyment. And in fact, do everything for the fun of it.
  • What do you think of the Olympiad? I think it is important, but not the most important thing.
  • What are you studying? Let’s explore how can we apply it practically.
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8. Think in a healthy way


there is no other way to teach them this, except to teach yourself this.

  • Do not encourage him to think anxiously. He’ll learn it in no time, and soon will have anxiety attacks, inhibiting performance.
  • Do not compare him to others thinking it’ll motivate him. Motivate him by positive means, comparative thinking will take a lifetime toll on him.
  • Do not expect him to behave like a grown-up. A 3-yr old will behave like one, and a teenager like one. Accept them as per their age.

9. Positive self image

self image

Teach yourself this:

  • Do not pressurize children with too much focus on grades or rewards.
  • Remember that he can’t be like his sister. Each person is different. Are you doing this so you have to deal with only one personality?
  • Do not pressurize the kid to be faster in everything he does. Each kid learns at his own pace.

Teaching yourself these things will raise a kid who is free from this negative thought.

10. Caring


  • From birth, encourage your children to make friends with people who are the opposite from them in terms of race, income, religion, and other dimensions.
  • Get outside your own comfortable circle and make friends who can provide examples and opportunities for your child.
  • Read them books with characters who are different than them in many ways. Consultation with a librarian turns up many such mind-opening books.
  • Travel with your children. Provide them with exposure to different value systems and ways of life.
  • In your home actively discuss racial and social issues. Don’t shelter your children from the facts of their privilege compared to other children. Challenge any generalizations you hear about any group of people.

If you do this your child will openly love, trust and understand people and why they act the way they do. Your child will also have confidence in meeting new people and working together to solve fundamental problems.

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source: quora

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