Elephant tattoos serve as a decorative adornment and personify loyalty, strength, wisdom and long life. Another significant figure is Hindu deity Ganesha, which is depicted with the elephant head and human’s body. It brings good luck, happiness and moves obstacles.
So, if you need a memorable elephant pattern, choose the most appealing elephant tattoos with meaning from this list!
#1 A mother elephant leads her young
#2 Decorated Elephant tattoo on thigh
#3 Symbolical elephant thigh interpretation
#4 Indian elephant image on the hand
#5 Beautiful Elephant Tattoo With Symbolic Meanings
In Tibet, Nepal and India, the elephant has long been considered a leading player in creation. The drawing of elephants holding large objects in their trucks symbolize keeping balance and the world in its place.
#6 A bachelor elephant – Symbol of Independence
#7 Black and white Indian sacred animal
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