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Top 10 Most Popular JavaScript Libraries for Developers

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming language, widely used for developing web applications. It is a client-side scripting language and specifically used for web browsers to interact with users, manage the browser and much more. JavaScript Library is a pre-written scripting language that can be used in JavaScript based applications. The main use of JavaScript libraries is to write functions which are embedded in or incorporated from HTML pages and interact with DOM of the page.

In this post we have a collection of best JavaScript libraries for 2015 . These JavaScript libraries are the best and result-oriented both for beginners and advanced developers as all of them has some of the exceptional features and qualities.

1. Intense Images 

intense-image-e1417412959574Intense Images is the innovative and only JavaScript library that allows you to view full-screen images with ease. Users can make use of mouse/touch position for panning and the styling of image elements completely depends upon the users.

2. Hammer.js 

hammerjs-e1417408125971Hammer.js is compatible for multiple instances at a time and can help you to develop multi-user touch interfaces with ease.

3. Lazy.js 

lazyjs-e1417407185148This is a utility library for JavaScript which is similar to Lo-Dash and Underscore, but there is a major difference between them which is lazy evaluation also referred as deferred execution.

4. Sweet Alert


5. WOW.js

wowjs-e1417409917254Reveal CSS animation as you scroll down a page.

6. Blast.js

blastjs-e1417410963811Blast.js separates text in order to facilitate typographic manipulation.

7. Mathjs

mathjs-e1417411743100Math.js is an extensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js.

8. Draggabilly


10. Fn.js

fn.js-e1417411986207fn.js is an opinionated JavaScript library that pushes you to to adopt strategies that encourage a functional programming style.

11. Shine.js

shine.js-e1417412097876With the help of this library, users can make awesome shadow.

12. Path.js


13. Dropzonejs

dropzonejs-e1417412332367DropzoneJS is an open source library that provides drag’n’drop file uploads with image previews.

14. Stickerjs

stickers.js-e1417412441480A Javascript library that allows you to create a Sticker Effect.

Also Read :  5 Great looking and Useful sites built using Node.js

15. Select.js


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