
The Universal Road To Self Awakening

There are not many paths to freedom; there is only one.  No matter what particular patterns of thought we have managed to build in our minds, freedom always means transcending these personal thought patterns. Spirituality leads to harmony and peace, however, diverse beliefs, concepts, and views cause conflicts and confusions.

So here is the universal road that we need to follow for self-awakening and self – realization:


Giving unconditional love to yourself and to others is the best way to reach inner peace. It helps you to forgive others and also helps you release all sort of irritation that is filled inside. Think about yourself, your family and friends, open your heart to deliver love equally to all.


Engaging in acts of kindness can set off a chain reaction in which others pay forward the generosity you’ve shown and shared with them.

Altruism is said to have improved all sort of mental and physical illness. Simple acts of generosity make others happy and seeing others happy will make you happy too, lesser the pain in the world, better it is.

Euphoric Dance

Dance is the best to release any kind of negative energy and fill yourself with positivity and happiness. So in order to feel free and get rid of the load, dance your heart out, move like crazy and kill all the anger. Dancing brings peace to our mind and also people around enjoy with you, which helps to spread positivity.

Sound Therapy

Enchanting, drumming is all traditional ways of sound therapy. Humming “OM” gives us relief and purifies our soul leading to inner peace. Abreast practice includes listing to recorded music in the foam of binaural beats, they are said to reduce stress and pain.

The inner mirrors the outer. Those conditions that upset the equilibrium of the world — anger, aggression, discord — upset our inner peace as well. So, we should meditate and pray in order to release our self from pain and anger.

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Peace does mean being in a place where there is no noise, trouble or pain., it means being amidst such things and still be calm. The path to inner peace starts from within, if your soul is at peace you will be able to see the world differently and act differently too.

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