
10 Must-Know Facts About Astrology Before Showing Your Birth Chart

Astrology is the knowledge of ascertaining one’s life experiences and prospects through reasoning it with the effect of celestial bodies in our galaxy. It is believed that the movement of planets, stars, and other heavenly bodies directly affects activities of all living beings on earth. Astrology determines those effects and relates it to the prospects and episodes of one’s life, marking the time of their birth.

10 Interesting Astrology Facts

Here are 10 most important astrology facts that you should know before going towards the astrological discourse in details.

Vedic Astrology
Source: Fivesquid.com

1. Astrology has been around for thousands of years.

Astrology originated in ancient India thousands of years ago. It is highly improbable to find the actual date of the existence of the theory. It is because most traditions and knowledge of Vedas and other Hindu scriptures were carried through generations without scripting in the text. The first texts were found in Rigveda, the oldest of the four Veda. It is known that the texts were translated into the Chinese Language in 2nd and 3rd Century. In the 5th Century, the discourse was put into a different category as Vedanga Jyotisha and the Surya Sidhhanta by astrological sages named Parashara Rishi.

Vedic Astrology
Source: sideplayer.com

2. Astrology is a part of Vedas.

The Vedas have six supplementary appendixes known as Vedangas. Among which Jyotish Vedanga is a part of it. For thousands of years, Rishis have maintained the practice of Jyotish Shastra parallel with the Vedas.

The ancient existing text on Vedic astrology is the Vedanga-Jyotisha. It exists in two editions, one linked to Rigveda and other to Yajurveda. In the Rigveda, there are 36 verses based on astrology. In the Yajurveda, there are 43 verses, where 29 are derived from the Rigveda.

veda and astrology
Source: Astrohyderabad

3. The modern Vedic astrology is the result of Rishi Parashara and Rishi Jaimini

Parashara was the grandson of Maharshi Vashistha, who was also one of the Saptarishi and the teacher of Lord Rama. Parashara has written a handbook on astrology, which is now called Vedic Jyotisha Shastra. He mentioned rules and regulations on Astrology and its way of prediction. His son, Ved Vyasa, was the compiler of all the Vedas.

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Jaimini was a prominent student of Ved Vyasa. He profounded various sutras on Astrology. He didn’t write any book like Parashara but wrote notes and short texts that came to be some important sutras in Vedic Astrology.

Vedic Astrology
Source: astrologypredictiononline.com

4. Astrology is the relationship of celestial configurations and life on earth

The study of astrology is the assumption of the understanding that every life on earth is somehow associated with the movements of planets, stars, and other heavenly bodies. As we are part of the Universe, our birth recorded on the celestial timing is meaningful. According to our birth, astrology gives the details of our life meanings and tracks. It gives the details of our positivity, flaws, actions, and harms. Viewing our astrological chart derived from the celestial clock and our time of birth we can take precautions to bad happenings and enjoy the good times.

Close up of planet sun system in your hand
Source: astrobutterfly

5. Moon affects our body as it does to the ocean

It is obvious to know that ocean bear the effect of the moon’s movement. Tides are the reason for the heavy gravitational force from the moon. Our body is 75% water and it is believed that Moon affects our body too that can change our tracks in life. According to the astrology, changes of different phases of moon’s cycle directly affects our emotions and our ability to deal with life’s situation.

Lunar Moon Person
Source: drnorthrup

6. Movement of Earth have been changed over the years

Over the thousands of years, after the astrology have been derived, the movement of the earth have changed by 23 degrees until now. So the astrological readings of the ancient times are different from today’s. But since Vedic astrology follows sidereal zodiac system, i.e., it changes on every 72 years, it has more advantages to be more accurate than the western astrology, which follows the tropical zodiac system.

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tilting of earth axis
Source: blog-world-mysteries

7. Zodiac signs are designated by the Sun’s apparent path along the ecliptic

The zodiac signs of a person, or Rashis in Sanskrit, depend on the placement of Sun at the time of birth. Earth revolves around the Sun in 365 days, which is divided into 12 parts. These parts make up our 12 zodiac signs. Different zodiac signs predict different personality traits in human beings.

Zodiac Signs
Source: Udemy.com

8. 12 Bhava describes the concerns of life and the expectation of one’s life

There are 12 houses in the astrological chart derived from the timing of birth of a person. Each house corresponds to a specific dimension of experience of a specific area of life. The 12 houses represent the whole cycle of a person’s life and the different level of experiences that the person can have. The first house represents the beginning or the origin that moves to the next house and so on to the twelfth house that is the end, the dissolution or the return to the source of the new beginning.

The whole chart interpretation is the method of understanding the relationship between the inherent energy of each Rashi and its correspondence to a specific house. Reading the chart also requires the influences of planets on those houses and their interrelationship.

12 Houses in Astrology
Source: ashwinihomoeopathy.com

9. Nakshatra is defined by the movement of the Moon.

The moon is the lord of Nakshatras where the sun is the lord of rashis. The Vedic system has a further 27 subdivisions overlaid onto the twelve signs or houses in the chart. These subdivisions are known as Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions. The moon spends one day in each Nakshatra or Lunar mansion, as it completes its monthly cycle. One complete cycle of the moon, a Lunar month is 28 days. Therefore the moon spends just over one day with each of its 27 wives in each Nakshatra (Lunar Mansion) during each monthly cycle. Each Nakshatra is ruled by a specific planet in the same way that each horoscope sign is ruled by a specific planet.

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This means that each planet in the birth chart will have the influence of the horoscope sign it is sitting in and the horoscope ruler and also the Nakshatra sign and the Nakshatra ruler on it. This is particularly significant for the Moon and the rising sign in a chart.

Nakshatra Chart
Source: astrosage.com

10. Lagna is derived from the state of rising of sun and location of the moon at the time of birth

Lagna or one’s ascendant is the degree of zodiac signs that is rising on the eastern horizon at the time of one’s birth for the given place of the birth. There are 24 hours in a day & 12 zodiac signs. So every sign takes about 2 hours to rise, completing the entire circle like one Giant wheel in 1 day & the same wheel starts the next day again. Therefore the difference of birth in 2 hours changes people’s lagna. In extreme cases, even 1 minute can differ the lagna.

Lagna Astrology
Source: astrowill.com

The popularity of astrology around has been trending enormously at present times. There are various schools and degrees related to astrology specifically. Many books have been written and some find it a wooing profession to be an astrologer.

We hope this article will find you informative for people believing in astrology and for those who want to check their life occurrences and predictions, you can book a consultation with a vedic astrologer online.

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