
10 Things That Should Be On Your Checklist For Perfect Rental

Finding your perfect haven can be a daunting experience,but once we have found it, well, all seems worth the wait and trouble. But before we put our name on the dotted line, a complete investigation is necessary. So hold your horses and go through the following “checklist” before the big purchase

1. Water works

Turn on the faucets. Make sure you have clear water, good pressure and no banging in the pipes.


2. The Mold Problem

Check the walls, floor and ceiling  for any evidence of water damage, mold, mildew, stains or cracks.

The Worst Room

3. Window to the World

Open and close the windows. Windowss get painted shut, are made not to open or are plainly difficult to open which are all potential problems. Make sure the Windows have screens.

4. For the furry friends

Check if the builiding allows pets (if you have one or plan to have one).

5. Your Space

Make sure to open all the closets, drawers,cabinets to make sure you have ample amount of space for your stuffs.Also to make sure no critters are lurking there.


6. Power Plug

Plug something small like a charger in every outlet to make sure they all work.


7. The Laundry

Ask where the laundry facilities are to make sure its conveniently and safely located.

8. Lock and Key

Make sure the locks on the front door is in working condition.

9. Let there be Light

Check to make sure there is ample lighting in the hallway on the property and in the parking areas.

10. Visit

Visit the property during the day as well as the night time to get complete picture of the neighborhood.

Identify your problems and voice your concerns to the Landlord. Best case scenario they listen and address your concerns and you move in.

Worse ,they wont or cant address your problems. In that case move ahead find a new place where your requirements are met.

Also Read :  Things Vastu Sashtra tells us to follow inside our house

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