The great exponent of the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna is one of the most powerful incarnations of Vishnu, the Godhead of the Hindu Trinity of deities. Of all the Vishnu avataras he is the most popular, and perhaps of all Hindu gods the one closest to the heart of the masses. Krishna was dark and extremely handsome. Lord Krishna is the embodiment of love and divine joy, that destroys all pain and sin. He is the protector of sacred utterances and cows. Krishna is an instigator of all forms of knowledge and born to establish the religion of love.
Like 108 names of Lord Shiva, Lord Rama, Lord Ganesha, Lord Vishnu even Lord Krishna is extolled through his 108 names during the puja rituals either by the priests or by the worshippers themselves.

Sri Krishna Ashtottara Shatanamavali – 108 Names of Lord Krishna
1. Krishna: Dark-Complexioned Lord
2. Kamalnatha: Consort of Goddess Lakshmi
3. Vasudeva: Son of Vasudev
4. Sanatan: The Eternal One
5. Vasudevatmaja: Son of Vasudev
6. Punya: Supremely Pure
7. Lila Manush Vigraha: Assuming Human Form to Perform Pastimes
8. Shrivatsa Kausthubadharya: Wearing Shri Vatsa And Kausthubha Gem
9. Yashoda Vatsala: Mother Yashoda’s Loving Child
10. Hari: The Lord of Nature
11. Chaturbuja Chakra Gada Shankhadhyay: Four Armed One Carrying Weapons Of Disc, Club, Conch
12. Shakhambuja Yudayujaya: One Who Holds the Sudarshana-Cakra, A Sword, Mace, Conch-Shell, Lotus Flower, And Various Weapons
13. Devakinandana: Son of Mother Devaki
14. Shrisay: Abode of Shri (Lakshmi)
15. Nandagopa Priyatmaja: Nanda Gopa’s Loving Child
16. Yamunavega Samhar: Destroyer of Speed of River Yamuna
17. Balabhadra Priyanuja: Balram’s Younger Brother
18. Putanajivitahara: The One Who Took the Life of Demoness Putana
19. Shakatasura Bhanjana: Destroyer of Demon Shakatasur
20. Nandavraja Jananandin: The One Who Is Bringing Joy to Nand And People of Braj
21. Sachidanand Vigraha: Embodiment of Existence, Awareness, and Bliss
22. Navanit Viliptanga: Lord Whose Body Is Smeared with Butter
23. Navanita Natana: The One Who Dances for Butter
24. Muchukunda Prasadaka: The Lord Who Graced Muchukunda
25. Shodashastri Shasresha: The Lord Of 16,000 Women
26. Tribhangi: The One Who Has Threefold Bending Form
27. Madhurakrut: Charming Form
28. Shukavagamritabdindave: Ocean of Nectar According to Sukadeva (Shuka)
29. Govinda: One Who Pleases The Cows, The Land, and The Entire Nature
30. Yoginampati: Lord of The Yogis
31. Vatsavaati Charaya: The One Who Goes About Caring for Calves
32. Ananta: The Endless Lord
33. Dhenukasura Bhanjanaya: The Lord Who Beat Up the Ass-Demon Dhenukasura
34. Trni Krta Trnavarta: Lord Who Killed Trnavarta, The Whirlwind Demon
35. Yamalarjuna Bhanjana: The Lord Who Broke the Two Arjuna Trees
36. Uttalottalabhetre: The Lord Who Broke All the Big, Tala Trees (Killing Dhenuka)
37. Tamala Shyamala Kruta: Lord Who Is Blackish Like a Tamala Tree
38. Gopa Gopishwara: Lord of The Gopas And Gopis
39. Yogi: The Supreme Master
40. Koti Surya Samaprabha: One Who Is as Lustrous as A Million Suns
41. Ilapati: The One Who Is the Master of Knowledge
42. Parasmai Jyotish: One with A Supreme Light
43. Yadavendra: Lord of Yadav Clan
44. Yadudvahaya: Leader of Yadus
45. Vanamaline: One Wearing a Sylven Garland
46. Pita Vasase: One Wearing Yellow Robes
47. Parijatapa Harakaya: One Who Removes Parijath Flower
48. Govardhanchalo Dhartreya: Lifter of Govardhan Hill
49. Gopala: Protector of Cows
50. Sarva Palakaya: Protector of All Beings
51. Ajaya: The Conqueror of Life and Death
52. Niranjana: The Unblemished Lord
53. Kamajanaka: One Generating Desires in Worldly Mind
54. Kanjalochana: One with Beautiful Eyes
55. Madhughne: Slayer of Demon Madhu
56. Mathuranatha: Lord of Mathura
57. Dvarakanayaka: The Hero of Dwaraka
58. Bali: The Lord of Strength
59. Vrindavananta Sancharine: One Who Loiters About the Outskirts of Vrindavana
60. Tulasidama Bhushanaya: One Who Wears a Tulasi Garland
61. Syamantaka Maner Hartre: Who Appropriated the Sysmantaka Jewel
62. Narnarayanatmakaya: The Selfsame Nara-Narayana
63. Kubja Krishnambaradharaya: One Who Applied Ointment By Kubja The Hunchbacked
64. Mayine: Magician, Lord of Maya
65. Paramapurusha: The supreme one
66. Mushtikasura Chanura Malla Yuddha Visharadah: One Who Expertly Fought the Wrestlers Mushtika And Chanura
67. Samsara Vairi: Enemy of Material Existence
68. Kamsarir: Enemy of King Kamsa
69. Murara: Enemy of Demon Mura
70. Narakantakah: Destroyer of Demon Naraka
71. Anadi Brahmacharika: Beginning Less Absolute
72. Krishnavyasana Karshakah: Remover of Draupadi’s Distress
73. Shishupala Shirashchetta: Remover of Shishupal’s Head
74. Duryodhana Kulantakrit: Destroyer of Duryodhana’s Dynasty
75. Vidurakrura Varada: Destroyer of Demon Naraka
76. Vishvarupa Pradarshakah: Revealer of Vishwasrupa (Universal Form)
77. Satyavache: Speaker of Truth
78. Satya Sankalpah: Lord of True Resolve
79. Satyabhamarata: Lover of Satyabhama
80. Jayi: The Ever-Victorious Lord
81. Subhadra Purvajah: Brother of Subhadra
82. Vishnu: Lord Vishnu
83. Bhishma Mukti Pradayaka: One Who Bestowed Salvation to Bhishma
84. Jagadguru: Preceptor of The Universe
85. Jagannatha: Lord of The Universe
86. Venu Nada Visharada: One Expert in Playing of Flute Music
87. Vrishabhasura Vidhvamsi: Destroyer of Demon Vrishbasura
88. Banasura Karantakrit: The Lord Who Vanquished Banasura’s Arms
89. Yudhishthira Pratishthatre: One Who Established Yudhisthira As A King
90. Barhi Barhavatamsaka: One Who Adorns Peacock Feathers
91. Parthasarthi : Chariot Driver of Arjuna
92. Avyakta: The Unmanifested
93. Gitamrita Mahodadhi: An Ocean Containing Nectar of Bhagwad Gita
94. Kaliyaphani Manikya Ranjita Sri Padambuja: The Lord Whose Lotus Feet Adorn Gems from Hood Of Kaliya Serpent
95. Damodara: One Tied Up with A Rope at The Waist
96. Yajnabhokta: One Who Consumes Sacrificial Offerings
97. Danavendra Vinashaka: Destroyer of Lord of Asuras
98. Narayana: The One Who Is Lord Vishnu
99. Parabrahma: The Supreme Brahmana
100. Pannagashana Vahana: Whose Carrier (Garuda) Devours Snakes
101. Jalakrida Samasakta Gopivastra Pararaka: Lord Who Hid Gopi’s Clothes While They Were Playing In River Yamuna
102. Punya Shloka: Lord Whose Praise Bestows Meritorious
103. Tirthakara: Creator of Holy Places
104. Vedvedya: Source of Vedas
105. Dayanidhi: One Who Is Treasure of Compassion
106. Sarvabhutatmaka: Soul of Elements
107. Sarvagraharupi: To All Formed One
108. Paratpara: Greater Than the Greatest