If you are looking to add some animation to your web design project, CSS can be a good alternative for the Flash. CSS Animations allow various elements change from one style to a different one in a gradual nature. Such Animations can transition from one specific CSS style configuration to another when CSS is used to create them in the first place.
There are two basic components that make up an animation:
- A style that describes the CSS animation itself
- A specific set of keyframes that indicate when the animation begins and ends
Here we have a list different example of CSS animations for your inspiration.
Coffee Maker Animation

CSS 3D Solar System

CSS Mars Landing

Elastic SVG Sidebar Material Design

CSS The Avengers

Pure CSS One Div Weather Animated Icons

Pure CSS Day/Night Toggle Switch

Google Now 3rd Party Apps


Menu icon animation

Movie Credits

Tape Recorder

CSS+SVG Pacman

Pure CSS Menu Transition

CSS preloader

Submit Button

Particle Button made with Canvas and HTML5

CSS Gooey Menu



Stats animation

Star Wars Toggle Icon Animation

Animated text fill

Delightful Checkbox Animation

Twitter Button Concept

Simple focus in/out input animation

Chromatic triangle

Animated Shopping Cart Icons

CSS loading animation

Hamburger Icon CSS3 ONLY Animation

Signature animation


Modal Animation Physics

3D walking robot

Pure CSS Perspective Portfolio v2

Flexing pagination arrows

Indatus CSS Animation

Bounce css Animation – v2

CSS Animate