
5 Reasons Why Donald Trump Would Be A Bad President

Donald Trump has been the 2016 election’s most riveting person. He initially focused his attention on immigration reform, calling for a wall to be built between Mexico and the United States and demanding the deportation of 11 million undocumented immigrants.


Why do people think Donald Trump would be a bad president? 

David Myers gave very thoughtful answer to this question in Quora

Donald Trump suffers from a disorder that, to my knowledge, has only been referenced once before. He suffers from afluenza. Yes, the same one the 18-year-old in Texas was suffering from when his poor decision to drive drunk ended the lives of several others. Donald Trump cannot help himself, he was never taught right from wrong because of his family’s wealth. He was never taught how to get along with others but was taught that winning (no matter how) was all that matters.

donald-trumpImage Source – bgr.com

The bubble that was created around him sheltered him from the ugly people and left him with a myopic vision of the world around him. Since everyone around him was “beneath” him, it became commonplace for him to talk to everybody else the same way, in a condescending, sarcastic, and caustic manner.

He was never taught how to get along with others but was taught that winning (no matter how) was all that matters. The bubble that was created around him sheltered him from the ugly people and left him with a myopic vision of the world around him. Since everyone around him was “beneath” him, it became commonplace for him to talk to everybody else the same way, in a condescending, sarcastic, and caustic manner.

donald-trump-usa-presidential-candidateImage Source – Sputnik News

But since you want specifics outside his apparent medical/psychological maladies then here is a short list:

1. His record of operating a business successfully is a bit suspect, as he has had to declare bankruptcy on multiple occasions to avoid having to pay back his debts – As President he cannot run the American economy the same way, In most cases, those individuals we are indebted to are other countries and will not tolerate mismanagement of finances.

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2. His seeming inability to use ANY kind of filter when talking with anyone is not at all Presidential.Yes I know, he has endeared himself to those that think this refreshing and appealing. But it is not realistic, as President, he cannot say whatever pops into his (afluenza infected) mind. He must be diplomatic and empathetic.

3. He does not have a plan for ANYTHING. Other than he “Knows people” that can get that done. That is not strategic thinking. Yes, advisors will be needed and can assist him in those areas where he has a lapse in knowledge, but he must be able to discern what is good advice or what is something that is being said because they don’t want to be FIRED. Also, all those people that “he knows” must be vetted through the house and senate and may not become his advisors.

4. He is a salesman, not a statesman. He will say or do whatever he thinks he needs to get his way or to win. This could be at the expense of our economy, our military, or our country’s reputation. The President represents the people of this country and I do not think he has the ability to do this effectively. His history of behavior shows that there would be extensive collateral damage in the wake of his personal ambition and desires.

5. His actions and attitudes during the debates are telling. He does not know how to effectively communicate his point without throwing a tantrum. Anytime he is “booed” after one of his statements, he responds with,” that’s because you have the audience stacked with supporters”. He doesn’t accept that what he said may not have been appropriate and antagonistic. It’s always someone else’s fault, or the other guy is lying. He has shown a lapse in communication skills and an inability to feel empathy (which I believe are traits of a sociopath).

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I believe our next President must be tough and exude confidence. But screaming loud and using expletives and threats to express your opinion is not the same thing. I will not be voting for Mr. Trump.

The position of President is not a box to be checked or a “Resume Builder”. It is a very tough and demanding job.
We the people must view these candidates like we would if we were hiring someone to fill a position in our business.
Do they meet the prerequisites to fill the position, like education, experience, and track record? Do they have the majority of the qualities listed above? I do not want a President just because he or she wants to be President. I want to feel comfortable knowing I hired the right person for the job.

Mr. Trump meets very few of the prerequisites for the position and I hope he is able to find gainful employment elsewhere.

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