
8 Great Reasons to Eat Pomegranates

Pomegranates have fantastic health and beauty benefits. They are delicious and versatile. You can use pomegranates in salads, rices dishes, meat dishes, smoothies, yogurts, and drink a pomegranate juice. One pomegranate has around 100 seeds in it and contains around 100 calories, making it a perfect low calorie snack for dieters.

Pomegranates can also help to ward off a number of serious diseases, including cancer and heart disease. Check out some of the best reasons to add pomegranates to your eating plan.

1. Pomegranates help to reduce bad cholesterol

Pomegranates are fortified with potent antioxidants that help reduce bad cholesterol, lower high blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart disease. It’s best to eat a pomegranate a day or add them to healthy meals, including salads and smoothies.

2. Pomegranates are low in sugar

Sugar is a culprit in many diseases, including heart disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes and skin problems. It’s crucial to limit your sugar consumption or eliminate it from your diet for good. Most fruits are high in sugar, but pomegranates are very low in sugar, which means they are good for your blood sugar levels. Half cup of pomegranate seeds contains 8 grams of sugar and about 70 calories.

3. Pomegranates boost your brain function

Due to their high content of powerful brain-boosting antioxidants, pomegranates can help to improve your memory, cognitive abilities and neurological function. They can also reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s Disease and can be beneficial for people with this disease.

4. Pomegranates help to reduce high blood pressure

Studies show that pomegranates can help people reduce high blood pressure. They are particularly beneficial for people with chronic high blood pressure. Pomegranate juice as well as seeds have high antioxidant content and have a good effect on arterial walls. If you suffer from high blood pressure, ask your doctor about pomegranates and see what they say.

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5. Pomegranates have anti-aging properties

Pomegranates are known for its fantastic anti-aging properties. Incorporating more pomegranates into your daily diet will help you combat wrinkles and look much younger. The thing is, pomegranates contain a powerful antioxidant, polyphenols, which helps prevent any signs of aging. It sounds like a good reason to add some pomegranate seeds to your salad or yogurt today!

6. Pomegranates help to stop the growth of cancer cells

Sure, vegetables and fruits can’t cure cancer, but they can stop the growth of cancer cells. Pomegranates is one of the best fruits that can help you prevent cancer, if you eat them or drink a pomegranate juice regularly. I usually add some pomegranate seeds to my morning smoothie to enjoy their anti-cancer properties.

7. Pomegranates have anti-inflammatory properties

Eating pomegranates helps reduce inflammation and combat symptoms of arthritis. This fruits can also help prevent cartilage breakdown and they are absolutely good for your joints. Due to their great anti-aging properties, pomegranates help to keep your joints young and healthy. Moreover, pomegranate juice can help relieve joint pain.

8. Pomegranates boost mood

Next time you have a bad mood, snack on a handful of fresh pomegranate seeds or drink a glass of fresh pomegranate juice and you will feel much better. Pomegranates help to increase levels of serotonin in your brain, control mood swings and can even prevent anxiety and depression. When I have a terrible mood, I usually add dark chocolate and pomegranate seeds to my low calorie fruit smoothie. It works wonders for me and I feel much better and think much clearly.

You can eat pomegranates from early winter to late spring and enjoy a pomegranate juice all year round, but don’t buy juices that contain sugar. There are many other health benefits of eating pomegranates and these are some of the best ones. How often do you use pomegranates in your meals? Do you think people should eat more pomegranates?

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