
9 Reasons why Southeast Asia is a Backpackers Paradise

It’s no secret that European cities are among the most beautiful in the world, but it’s not as well known that people traveling to Southeast Asia can live it up for a whole day for less than the cost of a hostel bed alone in Paris. There arise such situations in peoples’ lives where a more frugal approach is required while not missing out on the fun bit. That is exactly what Southeast Asia offers.

If you’ve got at least a normal sense of adventure, and especially if your pockets have been running shallow lately, then Southeast Asia is likely a better choice for your next holiday. The common definition of that is Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Burma, but this is also true of Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Albeit,  a bit more picking and choosing, becomes necessary. Other neighboring countries quite not in reason are also interesting, namely, India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. So shop around. Here are the 9 Reasons why Southeast Asia beats out everyone else in Traveling.

It is budget-friendly

cheap room

For some people this is the most important reason on this list, and for others it’s just a bonus on top, but it must be said that there is a stunning difference in costs between Europe and SE Asia once you are on the ground. In many places in Asia the pressure is off, particularly in countries like Vietnam and Laos (or almost all SE Asia) where you can easily get by on $10-$15 a day on most days. Instead of a dorm bed for US$6 you can get a private room for US$10 per night, including in-room wi-fi, TV, a small fridge, and a big comfortable bed. For backpackers and those traveling around the world, that cheaper cost of travel means you can travel longer. Though the flight is expensive to SE Asia from Europe and US, but slightly more expensive flight can save a fortune in a cheaper destination. Here you can also find dirt cheap travel destination, tremendous culture, excellent food and extremely good value for money experiences.

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 The diverse, vibrant, colorful, and flavorful food

Southeast-Asia food

Asian foods are really cheap and got huge varieties you probably won’t be able to taste in your life time. Mouthwatering street foods of Bangkok to Vietnamese banquet, Malaysian curry to samlor korko of Cambodia, there is lifetime experience of delicious food taste in SE Asia. Really, Asian food could justifiably be the best reason for you to schedule a visit to the SE Asia. Nowhere else in the world you can find cuisine that compares to the diverse, vibrant, colorful, and flavorful food found here.

Easy transportation facilities


Getting around SE Asia is pretty easy (though it may not be the epitome of comfort all the time), with many options depending on your budget. Europe (Western countries) can be pricey for traveling around but Southeast Asia is one of the easiest and cheapest places to travel in the world. There are lots of budget airlines and well-established bus and train networks make it easy to travel around, often for just a few bucks. Additionally, there is a strong infrastructure set up to help foreign travelers to book tickets and get from one place to another.

Most Beautiful Beaches in the world


SE Asia has the most beautiful Beaches in the world. They are gorgeous and has all the necessary amenities: plenty of facilities, including lockers and changing rooms. The sands are clean, and the beach is surrounded by turquoise waters on one side and lush landscape on the other. When there’s no wind, the water is so still that the ocean almost looks like one gigantic infinity pool. Since, the beach season never ends; you can live in a state of perpetual summer. All around the year you can go snorkeling or scuba diving in the crystal waters or just relax in a beach-side hammock and remember all your friends suffering through winter back home. You’ll want to spend at least a full day here.

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See the deep history of old civilization


We can find some of the oldest civilization in South East Asia, from the Angkor to Javans and to the Champa. Many of these ancient civilizations have left excellent monuments, sculptures and relics behind. You can visit the pagodas of Bagan, investigate the remains of Angkor Wat, and stroll around thousands of historical temples which are maintained perfectly till this date all around SE Asia. Though the region also has emerging modern culture and society but you can experience the constant changing environment.

Rich culture with many different traditions, languages and lifestyles

Well worth the view this evening

Southeast Asia’s culture is hugely influenced by its colonizer like china, India and many European countries. So, it is far too vivid and diverse to sum up in any one paragraph. Thai, Burmese, Cambodian and Lao culture is heavily influenced from China and India in areas such as faith, folklore, language and writing. Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia have large number of Muslims but also have influence of china and Indians. Vietnam is the most Chinese-influenced country. East Timor’s culture is influenced notably by the Portuguese and the Malays. Singaporean and Philippine cultures are the most diverse with less influence from the Indians, Mexicans and other Europeans, making it as the most westernized nation in the region. There are so many different traditions, languages, lifestyles, fashions, beliefs and customs to research in and explore, all within a relatively small geographic area. Many Southeast Asian cultures work very hard to maintain their historical rituals and practices, even as modernity sweeps through the area, so finding opportunities to learn about the culture first-hand is never difficult.

Solitude place for peaceful lover


Though there are many tourism places all over SE Asia. But yet, many places are still untouched by travelers. They are not like crowded tourist area so if you are adventurist or solitary lover you can step a couple of feet off the backpacker trail to discover totally different lifestyle than you have seen in city. There are still lots of untouched places for tourist which yet to be recognized as tourist area.

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The welcoming people


Southeast Asians have a reputation for being fun loving, compassionate, gentle, hospitable, open-minded, laid-bank, smiling and friendly. There is a prevailing sentiment that life should be enjoyed at the moment, and problems should not be taken so seriously that disrupt enjoyment. Even though many of these countries have seen up and downs in modern years, there seems to be positive feeling almost everywhere you travel. Most visitors who spend a significant amount of time in the area will have at least one moving story of being invited to dinner during Tet in Vietnam or taking part in a Laotian wedding reception, or maybe just a really interesting conversation with a tuk tuk driver in Cambodia.

Things are changing fast


The increasing number of population, fusion with new technology and foreign influences has been affecting the Southeast Asia. Things are changing rapidly day by day. All the cultural aspects and physical landscape are constantly changing. What effect it might bring to the SE Asia? We don’t know. But one thing is sure it is going to be a very different place in 10 years than you have seen now. Number of techno parties is increasing; modern electronic technologies are everywhere, transportation has been modernized etc. can tell that it is changing very fast.

Source: bootsnall.com

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