
Drinking coffee regularly can improve your overall health, according to science

We have heard about the disadvantages of drinking coffee on a regular basis. There are good reasons to drink coffee and there are a few reasons not to. Sciences says, unless you have 5 cups each day, coffee can significantly improve your overall health.

Here are eight scientifically proven reasons to drink coffee regularly.


1. Increase your life expectancy

Greek researchers from the University of Athens Medical School, Athens, Greece, tried to figure out why people on the Greek island of Ikaria live a lot longer than we do. There are many people who feel healthy in their early 100s on the island. Is it a boiled Greek type of coffee? Or just a mysterious island? A study showed that regular coffee consumption is associated with a better endothelial function in elderly subjects, and provides a new connection between vascular health and nutrition.

2. Lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes

A study conducted by the researchers at the Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, USA, found that boosting coffee consumption over a four-year period is associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. It sounds like a great reason to sip on coffee in the morning. Just make sure your coffee is not hot. Hot coffee has weak health benefits

3. Lower Risk of Some Types of Cancer

Studies show that coffee drinkers have up to a 40% lower risk of liver cancer (sciencedirect.com, wiley.com).  One study of 489,706 individuals found that those who drank 4-5 cups of coffee per day had a 15% lower risk of colorectal cancer (nutrition.org).

4. Protect your eyes against cataract formation induced by the sun’s UV

Researchers from the University of Maryland School of Medicine, USA, showed that caffeine, including that found in coffee, can help lower the oxidative stress that results from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation, which is one of the main risk factors for cataracts. Perhaps drinking a cup of coffee is essential during the summer season.

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5. Protect and repair DNA

A research conducted at the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany showed that drinking a dark roast coffee regularly contributes to DNA integrity. The quality of coffee does matter, though. Coffee beans are sprayed with pesticides, which can affect your DNA. Choose the organic version instead.

6. Protect You From Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

Alzheimer’s disease usually affects people over 65 years of age. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for Alzheimer’s. However, there are several things you can do to prevent the disease from showing up in the first place.

This includes the usual suspects like eating healthy and exercising, but drinking coffee may be incredibly effective as well. Several studies show that coffee drinkers have up to a 65% lower risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease (wiley.com, nih.gov).

7. Keep your muscles strong

Strong muscles are one of the secrets to living a longer life. While exercise is essential for keeping your muscles strong, drinking organic coffee stimulates the cellular recycling process that is needed for strong muscles according to the research from Wingate University in North Carolina. Coffee can help muscle regeneration and prevent age-related muscle loss.

8. Keep your liver healthy

According to a study from the University of Naples, Italy, coffee increases glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that plays a critical role in lowering oxidative stress and improving the detoxification process that the liver performs on a daily basis. Experimental studies showed that drinking coffee reduces collagen deposition and fat accumulation in the liver. But moderation is highly important here.

h/t – womanitely.com

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