I had seen my cousins pop babies up! Did it look easy or what??! Chubby little things, immaculately dressed followed by trained nannies and diaper bag and a array of toys and doting grandparents! Boy I was in for a rude awakening! The pregnancy and the actual birth were nightmares that i wish none would have to go through, All save the little bundle in my hand who was to be daughter for the rest of my life.
As i went through my newsfeed in the few minutes of solitude of the bathroom i came across the doodles of one LUCY SCOTT and I instantly related to them and the images made me feel less alone.
So what changed..?
1. You’re responsible for someone else’s life!!
i mean literally her feeding, changing, cleaning..Every little thing and thats 24/7
2. You’ll never Sleep.. again!
3. Always tired but never asleep!
4. Bodily functions are no longer repulsive. In fact, they please you! (Hooray for poop!)
5. You become a morning person. Its Mandatory!!
6. An impromptu outing !! What is that???
7. Date Night- A myth!
8. Baby clothes are just too irresistible, even if it means they burn a hole in your pocket
9. You respect your parents and love them in a new way.
But at the end of the day, babies are just worth the hell they put you through!!