
The most daring photos that you have ever seen on Internet

This post is a list of the most daring photos taken by extraordinary people or taken at the right moment.Daring means you will need to risk your life in most cases. And that is exactly what these people have done just to let us know what it is like.

#1 Newlyweds on Cliff Edge in Daring Wedding Picture

Photographer Jay Philbrick and his wife Vicki are known for their devil daring extreme photoshoot where they put models on cliffs edges, inside deep wells, and on steep snow slopes and light them to perfection.


#4 Lunch Atop a Skyscraper Photograph.

September 20, 1932, high above 41st Street in Manhattan, 11 construction workers enjoying their lunch on a suspended beam, was in fact a publicity stunt.

The men were accustomed to walking along the girders of the RCA building (now called the GE building) they were constructing the 69th floor in Rockefeller Center.

Some of the tradesmen tossed a football; a few pretended to nap. But, most famously, all 11 ate lunch on a steel beam, their feet dangling 850 feet above the city’s streets.


#7 The fiestas of San Fermin – Running of the Bulls in Spain

A daring event held once a year that involves running in front of a small group of bulls that have been let loose on a course of a sectioned-off subset of the town's streets.Many people get injured every year during the run and also many fatalities have occurred throughout the years.


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