
Things men don’t tend to tell women about

Well some things just are not meant to be told but so far as relationships are concerned, the more you tell the better. Anyways here is a bunch of things men don’t tend to tell women about.

1. That close guy friend of yours who has always been there for you like a brother? Yeah, he’s thought about it. More than once. It’s not entirely wrong though, he’s still there for you. But if you gave him a chance, he’d probably take it with no remorse.


2. We’re not dumb. But do prefer to simplify things in life.

3. We don’t give a crap about most of the things you say. But we do want you to not have those problems anymore and stop being upset, so we will do our best to help you. And that’s what it means for us to care for you in a relationship. We unfortunately see most of our discussions as a problem to be solved by us.


4. Feminism has been hard to swallow because the fact of the matter is that a lot of us are still going to pay for dates, the house, the ring, and most of our expenses as a couple. We’re super pro-equality. But like you, we also haven’t seen it yet and sometimes it sucks, because quite a few women still subscribe to the patriarchal male strong man who will supply everything for them. Don’t push feminism and “the independent woman” if we as a people haven’t yet lived up to the one condition where it really affects men: money.

5. We’re probably as insecure about our bodies as you are. Have you ever tried to count how many different muscle supplements and men beauty products there are out there?

6. If you think we’re going to cheat with a younger/more attractive woman, the problem is not your looks. It’s more likely your attitude especially when we feel unappreciated.

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7. That being said, we do not want you to try and out-sexy all of the other women. When you have a partner, you and he are as intimate as can be, and we don’t want you to share that intimacy with anyone else. So please don’t dress like you’re looking to impress someone; we know you’re sexy; you don’t have to show everyone else that too. Even if you genuinely do it to impress your partner and only him…don’t. Just don’t. But obviously, nobody can or should tell you what to do. Other men still have eyes and it’s simply annoying for us if every one of them can have a look at you even while you’re holding our hand. It’s borderline embarrassing.

8. Chivalry, sweetness, caring, and nurture must come from within us. Any woman who expects to be given a valentines gift, a fancy dinner, a door opened for them, etc. will be denied those luxuries, or at the very best, be given simple monetary compensation within her partner’s abilities: you will be given empty dates, lifeless actions and meaningless gifts. But if you’d like to see real romantic gestures from deep in our hearts, be grateful for us and supply the feedback loop (more thankfulness = more gestures; we love seeing you smile and feeling appreciated just like you).


9. Most important one here: We are actually very similar. We also get scared, insecure, excited, giddy, horny, wistful; we want to be happy around you, to be able to fight with you, to be able to be cute, to see you smile, to cry around you. It’s just that all those emotions don’t bode well for us in public, they make us uncomfortable. We would much rather choose one woman with whom we can be that way around.

Source: quora.com

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