
This Article On How A Baby Perceives Another Baby Will Make Your Day!

Every baby is different and unique, Their interaction with the things around them helps them to build their own personality. Here we present you different ways babies interact with each other.

1. During Pregnancy and After Birth for Multiple births:

Using special (laparoscopic)  lighting techniques,  twins and triplets have been observed interacting with each other in utero.

In one pair, a brother and sister would find and tap each others hands through the amniotic sac. After birth, they liked to play a game where they’d stand on opposite sides of an opaque  curtain and find each other.  This behavior would have been an utter mystery had it not been observed for months during gestation.

In a set of triplets, one was positioned so that he was always kicked by his brother. After birth, he always maneuvered to avoid being kicked.

Twins who share the same amniotic sac are sometimes photographed kissing each other.

In cases of multiples  who were separated at birth and learned, only much later in life, that they had a sibling(s), they often reported a sense that someone was missing.

So babies (at least in the case of multiple births)  seem to be aware of each other very early in the game.

Here s a set of twins who shared the same amniotic sac. They were born holding hands.

Added: since people seem to enjoy this posting, here’s another set of twins who remain locked in an embrace. When an embryo splits after 9 days, the likelihood is that the twins will share a single amniotic sac. This means they will be in close contact with each other during the entire gestation. I’m guessing this to have been the case with the twins below.

2. For Other babies:

National Geographic conducted a really interesting experiment to figure out whether babies exhibit the feeling of ‘jealousy’ towards one other.

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Step 1: Let them enjoy

As part of the experiment, they got a couple of toddlers and made them enjoy their play time with their mother.

How did the babies react? The babies seemed to enjoy it. Of course. Why wouldn’t they?

Step 2: Get the mothers to do something else

Then they asked the mothers to divert their attention away from the babies. One of the mothers got engaged in a book while the other started speaking to someone over the phone.

How did the babies react? Pretty much in the lines of – Ah, she seems busy. She will come around.

Step 3: Introduce another life-like baby to see whether babies really can be resentful

This is what they introduced. Very life-like for an experiment. Let us see what happened next.

Step 4: Make the mothers shower attention to the baby doll and see how the toddlers react.

And there you go. First signs of the little girl crying seeing her mother loving the infant baby.

And here is the other toddler, clearly upset that his mother is not playing with him because she is taking care of the new baby.

They probably cannot express their feelings in words. Babies try to convey a lot of emotions by crying. This NatGeo experiment conveys that even young toddlers, at their age, can exhibit very strong emotions, such as – Jealousy.

Truly amazing how evolved human brain can be.

Have to be honest – the babies do look cute, even if they are crying ! Don’t they.

PS: The experiment was also extended towards dogs. And the results were the same. Dogs exhibit jealousy towards other dogs as well. Quite Fascinating !

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Posted by KW Photography on Thursday, February 25, 2016

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