
The Underlying symbolism of the Samudra Manthan

The story of Samudra Manthan (churning of the ocean) appears in the Bhagavata Purana, the Mahabharata, and the Vishnu Purana, and explains the origin of amrita, the drink of immortality.

The story of the Samudra Manthan symbolizes the spiritual endeavor of a person, trying to achieve self-realization by concentrating his mind, withdrawing his senses, controlling his desires and practicing severe penances.

Symbolism of the Samudra Manthan

  • The Devas and the Asuras represent the positives and negatives of one’s own self. It represents how to achieve self-realisation, one must control both sides of his self and balance them in order to reach the goal
  • The Mandara Mountain (Mana – mind; dhara – in one line or flow) symbolizes concentration.
  • Vishnu’s Kurma Avatar – symbolizes the withdrawal of one’s senses – just like a tortoise retracts its head under its shell. It symbolizes contemplation through meditation and concentration.
  • Vasuki – the serpent king – was used as the churning rope, and it signifies the desire to attain the nectar of immortality. It’s as if the Devas and Asuras, churned their mind with a rope of desire.
  • The Ocean of Milk – is the collective human consciousness or the mind.
  • The Halahal poison – Represents the suffering and pain that comes to the fore when one goes through severe penance. As the Devas and the Asuras (the positives and the negatives of one’s self), churned the ocean of milk (the mind) for the nectar of immortality (self realisation), with Mount Mandara (concentration) resting on Vishnu’s Kurma Avatar (withdrawing their senses), using Vasuki (desire) as the churning rope, the first thing that came out, was the Halahal poison (pain and suffering) which had to be resolved for further progress.
  • Here’s where Lord Shiva comes in. His consuming the poison symbolizes that to resolve the pain and suffering that has resulted out of severe concentration and penance, one needs the qualities of Lord Shiva himself: courage, compassion, willingness, initiative, simplicity, austerity, detachment et al.
  • The precious objects that came out of the ocean of milk represent the psychic or spiritual powers that one is rewarded with, after he continues his penances, having resolved pain and suffering. The Devas and the Asuras distributing these gifts of the oceans symbolize that one needs to use these gifts for the common welfare and not for one’s personal gains. Only then, could they progress in the epic churning project.
  • Dhanvantari symbolizes health – implying that immortality (or to be more practical, longevity) or in this case, self-realization can only be obtained through a state of health. The body and mind must be in a state of perfect health for the attainment of this goal.
  • Mohini – is symbolic of delusion or pride. Once they were very close to their goal, the Devas and the Asuras succumbed to their pride and were deluded. They were thus, led astray. Thus, pride must be overcome before the final truth is attained.
  • The Amrit or the nectar of immortality that is finally obtained is symbolic of self-realisation after one has given up his/her pride.
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Originally written by Subhayan Mukerjee on Quora

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