
Valentines Day Statistics – Interesting Stats about Valentines Day

Valentine’s Day, also known as Saint Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is a celebration observed on February 14 each year. The celebration of Saint Valentine did not have any romantic connotations until Chaucer’s poetry about “Valentines” in the 14th century.

Here are few statistics about the famous Vday.

Valentine’s Day StatisticsData
Average annual Valentine’s Day spending$13,290,000,000
Number of Valentine’s Day cards exchanged annually180 Million
Average number of roses produced for Valentine’s Day198,000,000
Percent of Valentine’s Day cards bought by women85 %
Percent of all flowers purchased by men73 %
Percent of women who send themselves flowers on Valentine’s Day14 %
Amount the average consumer spends on Valentine’s Day$116.21
Percent of consumers who celebrate Valentine’s Day61.8 %
Percent of women who would end their relationship if they didn’t get something for Valentines day.53 %
Average number of children conceived on Valentine’s day11,000
Gifts Most Often Given on Valentines Day (Allowing for multiple gifts given)Data

47.5 %


34.3 %

52.1 %


17.3 %
Dining / Eating Out

34.6 %

14.4 %
Gift Cards


12.6 %
Other Gifts11.2 %


Valentine Related Business Statistics
Number of locations producing chocolate and cocoa products1,233
Number of people employed by the these establishments38,794
Revenue of domestically cut flowers$403 Million
Number of florists nationwide24,600
Number of people employed by florists123,600
Number of jewelry stores in the U.S.27,484
Annual revenue from jewelry stores$2.2 Billion
Relationship Statistics
Ratio of single men in their 20’s to single women in their 20’s1.2 to 1
Ratio of sinlgle men 65 or older to single women 65 or older0.33 to 1
Number of dating service establishments nationwide904
Average number of marriages annually2.16 million

Source: Retail Advertising and Marketing Associatio, Valentine’s Day Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey

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