
What Do The Different Colors In Hindu Dharma Represent?

In Hindu Dharma, colors play a significant role as they symbolize different aspects of the culture and traditions, surpassing merely decorative values. The Hindu artists use different colors on the Deities and use different colored dresses for each, thereby, signifying their qualities and characteristics.

Appropriate use of colors helps create an environment which can keep a person happy and joyful. Colors also add to the happiness quotient of people. Therefore, colors form a major part of Hindu cultures and ceremonies. Let’s find out the cultural significance of the main colors used in Hindu ceremonies such as Red, Green (Leaves), Yellow (Turmeric), Saffron, etcetera.

Saffron – In Hindu Dharma, the color Saffron holds a high status and is often worn by Saints or Sanyasi. It represents fire and as fire burns all the impurities, the color Saffron symbolizes purity. It is associated with sacrifice and salvation. It also represents religious abstinence. Wearing the color Saffron symbolizes the pursuit of light. It is also the battle color of the Rajputs, the warrior caste.

Red – In Hindu Dharma, the color Red is used for auspicious occasions such as the birth of a child, marriages, festivals, and etcetera. It holds utmost significance in the religion. As a symbol of marriage, women put vermilion (red powder) on their hair parting. Red is the color of marriage and brides wear red sari during the marriage. Red is also known as the color of Shakti (prowess).

Yellow – Yellow is the color of knowledge and wisdom. It symbolizes mental development, competence, happiness, peace, and meditation. It represents the season spring and rejuvenates the mind. The color of Lord Vishnu’s dress is yellow that symbolizes his wisdom and knowledge. For the same reason, Lord Krishna and Ganesha are also illustrated in yellow dresses.

Green – Being the symbol of peace and happiness, the color green stabilizes the mind. It represents the mystical nature and that, we are a part of nature. It is soothing to the eyes and refreshing to the soul.

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White – White is a mixture of seven different colors, therefore, symbolizes multiple qualities. Purity, peace, cleanliness, and wisdom, the color white represents all of these. The Goddess of wisdom and knowledge, Saraswati is always depicted as wearing a white dress, sitting on a white lotus.

Goddess Saraswoti

Blue – The Lord has given the Creator has dedicated the color blue to Nature – the Sky, Oceans, Rivers and Lakes, all are blue in color. Blue represents power, magnificence, bravery, stable mind and depth of character. The Hindu Deities, Lord Krishna and Lord Rama spent their lives protecting humankind and destroying evil, hence they are colored blue.

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