
Edible Plants You Can Easily Grow In Your Kitchen

Growing plants on the windowsill in your kitchen is becoming more and more popular these days. It would be more awesome to have all the organic edible plants you always need at hand. Here is a list of few edible plants or herbs you can easily grow in your kitchen.


Image Credit – homester

Growing lettuce is quite a simple task. Place the white root of the lettuce in a glass jar filled with water, without it reaching the top of the stem. Place the plant in the sun and do not forget to spray the roots with water occasionally to prevent it from drying out. After a few days, you will see that new roots and leaves have formed. A week later, you can place the plant in some soil, leaving the leaves above ground. Be ready to reap the harvest in just a few weeks!

Alternatively, you can put the plant directly into soil straight away. In this case, the plant needs to be watered intensively throughout the first week until the first sprouts appear.


Image Credit – i-like-food

Ginger is very easy to re-grow. Simply plant a spare piece of ginger rhizome in some soil with the buds facing upward. The ginger requires bright light, but not direct sunlight. Do not forget to give it a good watering, and your plant will soon sprout new roots and shoots. When the plant has grown, you can remove it from the soil, cut off the desired piece of the root and replant it again.

Ginger is also very attractive to look at, making it the perfect adornment for your kitchen windowsill.


Image Credit – eda-land

Like any ordinary grass, the root of lemongrass needs only a cup of water and some sunlight to grow. It’ll begin to grow in about a week. Then you’ll need to transplant the lemongrass into a pot. When the stalks reach approximately 12 in (30 cm) in height, cut off what is above ground. Don’t worry — it’ll continue to grow!


Image Credit – tutknow

You can use what’s left over from cooking here to grow some leeks. Place it in a cup with a little water, and leave it where the sunlight will reach it, such as by the kitchen window. In the winter, however, it is better to find a place away from draughts. The plant’s edible part will grow constantly — so all you need to do is cut it off when necessary. Remember to water it once a week. On the whole, however, the leek is a very undemanding plant.

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Image Credit – garden8

Arugula doesn’t require much soil, growing best in loose, well-drained ground. Just put some arugula seeds on the top of the soil, cover with a layer of dry soil (1-1.5 cm) and use a spray bottle to sprinkle some warm water over it. Cover with a piece of cling film and then put them in a warm place. After about 3-7 days the first shoots will appear. This is when you will need to remove the cling film and transfer the plant to a more permanent place to grow. When the leaves reach the height of 4 in (10 cm), you can start to harvest them.


Image Credit – homesgardens

There are two ways to grow fennel. The first option is to use the remaining part of the white root — simply put it in a glass jar filled with water and place it in a well-lit place. The fresh herbs which will appear after a while can be cut off and added to your meals. Alternatively, you can sow the seeds into the soil. But in this case, you will need to wait for a little longer.


Image credit – asienda

Radish is the perfect vegetable for growing on your windowsill. First you need to soak the seeds in warm water for two days. Then put the seeds into a pot or box, no deeper than 0.8 in (2 cm). Cover it with cling film, water it regularly and keep it away from draughts at first. Once the shoots appear, make sure there are not too many of them, otherwise, you won’t get very large and tasty vegetables! The second time round the radishes can be planted in the same soil. But remember — it is good practice to wait at least one week before starting again, and use some fertilizer.


Image Credit – foodpassion

You can easily grow mint from seeds. They should be planted at a depth of 0.2 in (5 mm). Since mint does not like waterlogged soil, it’s better to use a spray bottle for watering. Seedlings should appear within two weeks. After another two weeks, you will already be able to enjoy your fragrant peppermint tea. Just remember one thing: the plant doesn’t tolerate direct sunlight and usually prefers shade.

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Image Source – domohozyajka

Only the most patient gardeners who like experimenting should attempt to grow pineapples. For this purpose, you’ll need only the top part with the leaves. Twist the leaves off the top of the pineapple but make sure the roots (small spots on the flat base of the stem) are intact. Then strip off some of the lower leaves until a few inches of the stem are exposed. Plant your pineapple in warm, well-drained soil, making sure the water doesn’t accumulate in the pot. Regular watering is required only when the plant is still young. As soon as your pineapple plant gets stronger, water the soil lightly once a week. You will notice growth in the first few months already, but it can take several years before you can reap the harvest.

Source –  Rustoria

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