
Vegetarian Dishes from Around the World You Simply Cannot afford to miss

Czech Republic

“Pojďme jíst”

Bramboráky (Potato Pancakes)

It’s a simple dish, but hell yeah it’s like the best one out there!

Buchtičky se šódo (Small pastries in vanilla-rum puding sauce)

Believe it or not but this is not a dessert but a main course.

Nakládaný hermelín (Camembert-like cheese marinated with onions in spicy vinaigarette)

This is often served in pubs or while drinking beer.


“idemo jesti”

Wild asparagus & eggs salad (šparoge i jaja)

Wild Asparagus Frittata3

Seasonal meal (early spring), typical for mediterranean part, it has profound bitter taste that would not fit everyone’s taste buds. Usually you love it or hate it, there is no middle.

Baked beens

Hillbilly Baked Beans
Hillbilly Baked Beans

Typical for continental area, beans are stewed with some vegetables (onions, carrots, garlic, tomato sauce), cooked, and then shortly baked.



Patatas bravas

Patatas bravas are super typical of Spain.It typically consists of white potatoes that have been cut into irregular shapes of about 2 centimeters, then fried in oil and served warm with a sauce such as a spicy tomato sauce or an aioli. This dish is commonly served in restaurants and bars throughout Spain.

Pimientos Rellenos

They are stuffed peppers. The peppers are grown in Navarra, La Rioja and other parts of the north of Spain.


Heaven for vegetarians and vegans!


It’s a mix of Hummus, fried eggplant, hard-boiled egg, chopped vegetables and greens and amba (mango pickle), usually served in a pita.


These are fried eggs served with a very rich sauce made of tomatoes, red peppers, and other vegetables, herbs and spices. It has at least one vegan version, in which the eggs are replaced with a mix of chickpea flour mixed with water. It may sound dull, but it’s suprpisingly tasty.


Brought by Jews who were ethnically cleansed from Libya, containing cooked tomatoes and roasted bell peppers. It is seasoned with garlic, sugar, paprika and chili pepper.

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That may also sound dull, but it’s important to understand that when they say “bakery”, we mean “a place where you can buy fresh hot bread that was baked a few minutes ago”. Quite like in France, and totally not like in the U.S., where “bakeries” should have been called “patisseries”. Also, you can be sure that it doesn’t have animal fat (but ask about eggs and milk if it’s important to you).


Shiro Wat

It’s typically served on injera bread, which tastes like a spongy, sourdough crepe. The spicy red lentils are misir wat, and they taste exactly like you’d expect a spicy, red lentil dish to taste but with a twist: the spice comes from the use of Berbere powder (rather than chili powder). Berbere is an iconic Ethiopian spice made from a blend of chilies and most notably, fenugreek, which gives it’s distinctive flavor.


That is basically several kinds of vegetables together on plate, including a couple of different styles of misir, shiro, and Ethiopian salad.

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