
Best Examples of Hindu Muslim Unity That Define The Idea Of India

Why fighting over religion as we live in the same country. We have a great history to share but why only criticism? let’s read this article to know that India has a great value for the brotherhood of Hindu Muslim community.

“That unity is the strength is not merely a copybook maxim but a rule of life is in no case so clearly illustrated as in the problem of Hindu Muslim unity. Divided we must fall. Any third power may easily enslave India so long as we Hindus and Mussulmans are ready to cut each others’ throats. Hindu-Muslim unity means not unity only between Hindus and Mussulmans, but between all those who believe India to be their home, no matter to what faith they belong.”  – Mahatma Gandhi


Many have expressed their experiences and the harmony around the nation also shows the bond of nationalism. Here are few of those experiences and national news below in this article.

Bihar Muslims donate land to build world’s largest Hindu temple

When Hindus and Muslims dispute over the Ram Janmabhoomi issue in Ayodhya, Muslims in the district of Champaran Bihar, donated 50 acres of land for the construction of the largest temple in the world that will outstrip the Angkor Wat in Cambodia, which is the current record holder. “It is usual for Hindus to donate land for temple, but it is unusual for Muslims to donate land for the construction of temple,” said Acharya Kishore Kunal, a former IPS officer and currently the secretary of the Patna-based cash-rich Mahavir Mandir Trust that is undertaking the ambitious project, and added that Muslims should be lauded for joining hands with Hindus to donate land for a pious cause.

The Virat Ramayan Mandir will be taller than tAngkor Wat complex in Cambodia, which is 215 feet high. The temple complex will have 18 temples with high spires and its Shiv temple is proposed to have the world’s largest Shivling in the world. The hall facing the main temple , which is for Ram , will have a seating capacity of 20,000.

Few Muslims donated the land and others helped and supported the trust to purchase the remaining 150 acres of land at nominal rates for the temple. If the Muslims had not come forward, the temple project was sure to have delayed.

Source – Firstpost

Mosque windows open into Hindu temple

You must now be wondering this might be an aftershock to the communal riots that followed the Babri Masjid demolition. But you are WRONG!

The original mosque, believed to be around 200 years old, was getting weak and would have collapsed soon. So it was decided by the Muslims to rebuild the mosque and Pillai, who is a carpenter, volunteered to take upon himself the difficult task of demolishing the dome.

This act of kindness from the local Hindus pleased the Muslims of the Ghorpadi town and when a decision was taken to build a temple in the year 1992, the Muslims reciprocated this kindness.

Shiraj Sheikh, a local architect, came up with a practicable plan. He told the Hindus to build the temple adjacent to the Mosque. People of Ghorpadi loved it and wanted to make this a symbol of unity among the Hindus and Muslims even during the aftermath of the 1992 communal riots.

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“We started the Temple work when the country was fighting over Mandir-Masjid. Many Muslims worked for the construction. We even used the water from the Masjid,” said Alfred Anthony, President, Kashi Vishweshwar Mandir Trust.
Now after the construction of the new temple was finished inside the compound of the 200-year-old mosque, people saw that the windows of the mosque now opens directly into the temple.

Besides, when it is time for azaan, the arati stops, and when arati is going on, no prayers happen inside the mosque. Nowadays common celebrations such as Eid, Diwali, Shiv Ratri and Moharram happen all within in the compound .

“Mazhab nahi sikhata aapas mein bair rakhna. Hindi hai hum, watan hai Hindustan hamara,” sang Nasir Khan, Maulana, Ahle-Sunnat Jamaat Masjid.

Source – NDTV

This happened in Tamil Nadu:

Some INDIANS who are also Hindus were on a “Ganapathy” procession, with, of course, dance and traditional music band. On their way of procession, they came across some of their brothers, INDIANS who were also Muslims praying silently.

So, they stopped the dance and music and crossed the place silently without disturbing the namaas.

Here is another best example of Hindu-Muslim unity:

Sabarimala a Hindu temple, is also associated with a Muslim leader by the name of Vavar who was a trusted friend of Lord Ayappa, the presiding deity of the temple at Sabarimala.

Hindu Pilgrims visit the mosque devoted to Vavar at Erumely on the way to Sabarimala. All the Hindus should visit the mosque before going to the temple. The Prasad in this mosque is, guess what, “Bhibuti”

Muslim Family Adopts children of deceased Hindu Friend and Wants To Raise Them As Hindus

I just read this on the Logical Indian Page and I was so happy to read it and see that there is so much humanity out there and if we ignore the religious differences and come together as human beings, we can really create a positive change in our community.

A Muslim family has adopted the children of their deceased Hindu friend and are going to raise them as Hindus. Delhi high court praised their effort to raise these two Hindu orphans ‘Ayush and Prarthana’.

“In a time when no one bothers to take care of orphans, we salute the efforts of Mohd Shahnawaz Zaheer though the couple is not benefited with anything”, Said Justice Waziri.

Read more : Muslim Family Adopts children of deceased Hindu Friend and Wants To Raise Them As Hindus

When Muslims escorted a Hindu baraat

It was August 2013, Dr. Ashish Sharma, who was getting married to Dr. Sonia Sharma, had to join the mandap at the bride’s home to solemnize the wedlock, but it was like getting through a hellhole due to ongoing Hindu-Muslim clashes in Kishtwar of Jammu and Kashmir, where a Hindu had been shot and a Muslim had been burnt alive. Hindus and Muslims were fighting pitched battles out in the town. Over a hundred vehicles, shops, and hotels had been torched. There were just six Hindu families among 300 Muslim households in this Shaheedi Mohalla of Kishtwar where the wedding was to be held.

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“We had managed to perform the havan. As we were close to the ritual of Telwai, following which even a death can’t force cancellation of a marriage, we began requesting the pandit for postponement. But our Muslim neighbors, who were attending the function, said that the wedding should not be deferred and promised to escort the baraat through all the Muslim neighborhoods. Thereupon, we proceeded with the remaining rituals and called up my in-laws to be ready for receiving the baraat,” says Ashish. 70 Muslims escorted Ashish’s baraat to protect it from possible attacks.

Muslim undertaker for Kashmir’s Hindus

Under the majestic chinar in a cremation ground, Mohammad Yasin Dar, 55, has lit a bonfire to stay warm on a nippy February morning. He has spent a larger part of his days at the place for 10 years. A devout Muslim, he has embarked on an unusual mission—to perform last rites of the dead of Kashmir’s minuscule Hindu population.“Earlier, it was a pathetic situation here. There was no one to cremate bodies of Hindus as everyone was afraid. Cops would ferry the dead in dingy vans and lit the pyre in a callous manner,” said Dar. After Kashmiri pandits migrated from the valley in 1990, there was no one to take care of the dead of those who stayed back.
“I remember in 1990, police brought the body of a Hindu youth and there was no one to conduct his last rites. This haunted me and I decided to take care of the cremation ground,” said KL Wali, president Hindu Welfare Forum. Later, he roped in Dar. Dar, a father of three, is paid a monthly honorarium of Rs3,000 by the crematorium’s management. The 55-year-old also pressurized the management to restore temples set on fire by militants. “I had a dream in which a Hindu goddess commanded me to restore her temple in the cremation ground. As I had no means, I told the management to do it else I would not stay here,” quipped Dar.


  1. The Daily Undertaker, The Variety and Importance of Ritual 
  2. When Muslims escorted a Hindu baraat 
  3. Beyond Kashmir politics: Hindu-Muslim brotherhood in times of crisis 
  4. Kashmiri Muslims perform funeral of Hindu man

Sikhs and Hindus in This Punjab Village Helped Renovate the Mosque for Just One Muslim Family.

Jagraon Tehsil of Ludhiana district in Punjab has a small village named Malla, which has a population of around 5,000 people – 90% Sikhs, 9% Hindus and a single Muslim family.

This village has set an amazing example of fraternity and communal harmony by helping in the renovation of an old mosque for the Muslim family.

The mosque was closed in 1947 after the building collapsed. The Majlis Ahrar Islam Hind Party of Ludhiana identified the mosque and contacted the Imam of Jama Masjid, Ludhiana — Maulana Habib Ur Rehman Sani Ludhianavi – for assistance. The Imam told The Indian Express that they approached the villagers about six months ago asking for help in renovating the mosque. And the villagers responded in an overwhelming manner with Sikhs and Hindus coming together — not only to help financially but also by helping in the construction work. The mosque was inaugurated on Monday. The Sikh villagers also organized a langar (community kitchen) on the day of inauguration like they did on the day when construction started.

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“Our Sikh brothers have always stood by us. And today, they helped rebuild our place of worship. We cannot thank them enough,” said Iqbal Hussain, a member of the lone Muslim family.

The mosque will help this family and others in the neighboring areas because they had to travel to Jagraon or Raikot to offer namaz earlier.

It was the year 1992 when Bhopal riots broke out. “Saima Siddiqui experience”

Our family used to live in a mixed community neighborhood back then, but due to the riots, we needed to flee to a safer place in order to protect ourselves and have some support, if and when required.

My father went out to talk to some relatives and friends requesting them to accommodate us, but they refused. He came back dejected and troubled as it was a critical time and we needed a hiding place as soon as possible.

At that moment, our neighbor, a fine South Indian lady came to our rescue and readily agreed to hide us in her house, despite having to look after her own three daughters and husband.

So, we did stay in her house for a couple of days after which a Hindu man of the same neighbourhood came to pick fight with her, asking to chuck us out of her house because if any of the rioters came to know about the act, it would endanger all of the non-Muslims living in the area. Some other families also started following this man’s cue and started jumping at the woman’s throat.

But, the kind lady bravely defended us saying that if anybody even tried to lay a finger on us, they’ll have to face her first, and her husband too stood by her decision. On seeing her defiant attitude, the others backed off saying she would be responsible if any harm came to them or any other families. But the large-hearted South Indian family didn’t pay heed to them and took good care of us for about three days or so, as told to me by my mother.

Muslim man uses pic of Lord Ganesha in wedding card to invite Hindu friends; family gets threat for bold move

A Muslim man in Madhya Pradesh’s Jhabua district used a picture of Lord Ganesha in his wedding card to invite his Hindu friends. (Source)

Source – quora

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